Blood sugar levels over 126 mg/DL in a Fasting Blood test and 200 mg/DL in a Glucose Tolerance Test and Random Blood Sugar Test are usually defined as high. What you eat can greatly affect blood sugar. Foods that are low glycemic take a while for the body to process into sugar while high glycemic foods like rice, white bread and potatoes are processed extremely quickly into glucose - even faster than candy.
The following are some foods help lower blood sugar levels:
- Beans
- Legumes
- Whole wheat
- Granola
- Oatmeal
- Brown rice
- Vegetables
- Whole fruit (not juice)
- Fish
- Soybeans
- Bitter Melon (as a vegetable or supplement)
- Herbs such as Gymnema
licorice, cinnamon.
More info on foods that help control blood sugar:
Foods that help treat diabetes
Article on blood sugar levels:
Blood sugar levels, causes, symptoms, natural remedies