Monday, March 10, 2008

Liv 52 Hepatitis Treatment research

There have been over 300 clinical studies conducted on Liv 52. Amongst the wide spectrum of liver diseases prevalent all over the world, incidence of Infective Hepatitis, Chronic Active Hepatitis and Cirrhosis of the Liver comprises a very large group. A study was conducted in the Department of Medicine, Medical College, Calcutta to determine the efficacy of Liv 52 by conducting a controlled trial in (i) Acute Infective (Viral) Hepatitis, (ii) Chronic Active Hepatitis and (iii) Cirrhosis of the Liver. 104 patients were included in the study. 73 patients were given Liv 52 while 31 patients belonged to a control group. In the Liv 52 group, 30 patients had Infective Hepatitis, 24 had Chronic Active hepatitis and 19 had cirrhosis. In the Control Group, 15 patients had Infective Hepatitis, 8 had Chronic Active hepatitis and 8 had cirrhosis
1.Symptomatic improvement was observed specially in respect of fever, anorexia, nausea, weakness, boneache, headache, insomnia, flatulence and epigastric pain earlier in Liv.52 Group than in Control Group. Disappearance of yellow coloration of urine and conjunctivae was also much earlier in Liv.52 Group than in Control Group. Similar improvement in physical signs like enlarged tender liver, jaundice etc. was observed in the Liv.52-treated cases.
2.Serum bilirubin became normal to near-normal within 2-3 weeks in majority of cases (73.33%) in Liv.52 Group.
3.It was observed that 21 out of 24 patients (87.5%) on Liv.52 showed total improvement in respect of SGOT/SGPT results in 12 months’ time, as against a slight improvement in 4 out of 8 cases of the Control Group during the same time. It was noteworthy that GOT/GPT reverted to normal in only 6 months’ time in 9 out of 24 patients (37.5%) in the Liv.52 Group against NIL in the Control Group.
4.At 9th and 12th months, 21 patients (87.5%) of the Liv.52 Group showed almost normal range of immunoglobulins with a slightly higher level of IgG, whereas in the Control Group, only 4 out of 8 (50%) patients showed a similar improvement. Nine cases (37.5%) in Liv.52 Group showed marked improvement in respect of regeneration and repair of liver cells in 6 months’ time, whereas none in the Control Group showed any significant improvement during the same period
Read more on Liv 52 (LiverCare)

Purchase Liv 52 (LiverCare) at lowest online prices and FREE Shipping worldwide.

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