Monday, April 13, 2009

Turmeric for skin care

Turmeric is a herb well known for its skin care properties. Turmeric powder added to grampure turmeric capsules flour, honey and a spoonful of yogurt makes an excellent skin face mask. Turmeric is said to make the skin glow, even out blemishes and make it soft and supple. Turmeric is also excellent for acne and rashes.

Turmeric is also a natural antiseptic and is used in a number of face creams and antiseptic creams to prevent and treat skin infections.

In addition to its topical applications, when consumed, turmeric helps overcome skin problems even better by purifying the blood. In fact recent research indicates that the ingredient curcumin in turmeric even kills melanoma cells while leaving healthy skin cells intact. This is a major benefit in the fight against skin cancer. Curcumin also helps to protect the skin from burns and blisters that occur from radiotherapy.Vicco Turmeric cream

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